Society, driven eco block chain and cryptocurrency across industries and for social impact, active in primarily technology and currently represent more than 1. 5 trillion in investment capital. The motto is fund revolution. I love that. So were celebrating a book tonight thats very compelling story, very important story, kind of lesserknown in the annals of history. And people have been working toward justice inside the technology industry. Black software, Racial Justice to the net and black lives matter by charlton mcillwain, and published. Welcome. [applause]. Thank you. Thank you for that introduction and thanks for all of you that have come out and maybe a few others will trickle in along the way. So this is a great, its a great place to be. Im wrapping up whats been about a month and a half long tour promoting this book and i can think of no better place to end up this part of the tour in this historic moment. I was just telling these gentlemen before we started that when i got ou
Across america. Here is the recent program. I think people around here know a lot about ranching history. Texas tends to be about itself with its own history but this history is about middle american regional stories that havent really been told. It is almost like the isolation of the ranching history. It lookinghed without instead of looking within. Museumin the historical that is the largest Historical Museum in the state of texas if you count it by the number of artifacts. Cowboys,ition title is cattle, and culture. Here whenime curator we set up the show, both of us are native to kansas city. In why thisested space felt so familiar to us. And michael started looking at the number of objects in the permanent collection. And it turns out that there were over 1000 objects in the database. We started looking at what kinds of objects there were and we found such a good array of a variety of options. We needed to do a show that pulled the sister city hood. That amarillod might grow up lo
But one thing we talked about in this show, we pitched it as looking without rather than always looking within. Panhandleplains museum, and the museum is the largest Historical Museum in texas if you count it by the number of artifacts. The exhibition title is cattle, cowboys, and culture, kansas city and, real on the building of the urban west. The curator and us are both natives of kansas city. We were always interested in why this place seems so familiar to us. And michael started looking at the number of objects in the museums Permanent Collection related to kansas city and it turns out there were over 1000 objects on the database he pulled up. We started at look started looking at what kind of objects there were, and found such a good array of a variety of objects, we thought we needed to do a show that told the sisterhood of kansas city and amarillo. A lot of people might expect amarillo corrupt looking to dallas or houston, but this is around the train system and the cattle indu
The Panhandle Plains Historical Museum in canyon, texas. We take you inside as we hear the story of kansas citys influence on the development of amarillo. I think a lot of people know about the ranching history of this area. This history is more like an american regional story that hasnt been told. The isolation of the ranching history as texas, texas, texas, but one thing we talked about in this show, we pitched it as looking without rather than always looking within. We are at the panhandleplains museum, and the museum is the largest Historical Museum in texas if you count it by the number of artifacts. The exhibition title is cattle, cowboys, and culture, kansas city and, real on the building of the urban west. The curator and us are both natives of kansas city. We were always interested in why this place seems so familiar to us. And michael started looking at the number of objects in the museums Permanent Collection related to kansas city and it turns out there were over 1000 objec
The things we talk about this show we pitched it as looking without evidence looking within. We are in that Historical Museum and its the largest Historical Museum in the state of texas if you count the number of artifacts cattle cowboys and culture. Urban west. Michael gore who was the fulltime curator and we set up the show both of us are native to kansas city suburb always interested in why this place felt so familiar to us as having grown up there and michael started looking at the number of objects in the plains Permanent Collection that related to kansas city and it turns out they were over 1000 object on today debates he pulled out so we started looking at what kind of objects there were and we found such a good array of variety of objects we thought we needed to do a show that told the sister city head of kansas city and amarillo. A lot of people expect that amarillo grew up looking to dallas and looking to denver or to houston but this closeness is basically around the train s