Crowd Media Holdings Limited (ASX:CM8) (FRA:CM3) advises that Steven Schapera has tendered his resignation as Chairman and a director of the Board effective 30 June 2022. A new Chairman will be appointed in due course.
Try before you buy. It s a time-honour sales tactic that has worked for the most successful companies in history and artificial intelligence company Crowd Media Holdings Limited (ASX:CM8) (FRA:CM3) can join that list having converted a Proof Of Concept of their AI platform into a 2 year contract.
Crowd Media Holdings Limited (ASX:CM8) (FRA:CM3) is pleased to announce that is has executed a Marketing and Development Agreement effective immediately to license its Talking Head platform to South African healthcare company Pangea Med.
Social commerce company Crowd Media (ASX: CM8) has secured a marketing and development agreement with existing customer PangeaMed for the license of its AI-powered “talking head” platform.