temporary field headquarters so many young women missing one woman determined to find them there s a story to her too. a young woman lucky to b alive. for a lot of people that would be the end to police work. so she searched the numbers grew the families hurt. she says i have some ba news for you under a desert sky a secret waited. this is not happening missing women forgotten by almost everyone but her. i have always felt they wer going to be together if you find one you ll fin them, all. sometimes ida lopez simpl can t wait for sunday. sometimes in the middle of her work week the albuquerqu detective feels a pressing nee for spiritual solace and divin guidance the fall of 2005 was one o those times. it was a time when a siniste force seemed to be snatching women off the streets of new mexico s largest city. and the devoutly religious detective knew she needed al the help she could get i think it s somebody who s very organized i think he s been preying on
getting their heads cut off an tooken to the mesa and that was the last time i seen cinnamon. i got scared you know, it seems like they knew or something. ida didn t completely disbelieve what her girls were telling her. but the mesa, a vast expanse o desert west of town wher people frequently dump thing they no longer have any use for, was simply too big an area t launch a search based on just rumor. and so this case was going
your reaction to the verdict we have seen this afternoon? i hope this slows down this concept that individuals can take justice into their own hands. it would have been an unfortunate outcome because in the south where i live, many people would have seen this as a clearing call to go and attack people without any authority to do so. and as a father of a 60-year-old son, many people would have been in fear of what this could have meant had the jury done something different. the question is around the former da. what is it this da didn t see that this jury has seen to bring a guilty verdict? and the problem we have with much of our justice systems is around district attorneys unwilling to bring forth a level
the da didn t have any evidence to arrest holbert for kelli ds disappearance, but he did discover holbert was violating the terms of his parole. he was a prior sex offender, and he was not registered properly and he was placed in jail. sex offender nicholas right where detectives wanted him. now they could watch holbert, see if he blabbed to a cell mate about what happened to kelli. they also questioned him twice, even took him back to froggy bottoms to jog his memory, but holbert stuck to his same, though sometimes inconsistent story. you caught him in lies but you couldn t crack him? exactly. by now olivia and matt had left fayetteville and gone home. i remember feeling defeated. we came up here thinking that something was going to happen and it didn t. i don t know. i felt like i didn t sleep for a couple of weeks. it was 24/7 thinking about what happened, what happened, what happened. detectives and the da seemed so close to an answer. they
new york, we begun deploying emergency personnel and assistance teams to albany and to trenton to coordinate with our state partners. we deployed our search and rescue teams to support additional rescue missions under way from the flash flooding. what we saw is pretty extraordinary. i think it s a really important reminder to all of us especially if ida didn t affect you. imagine if it did. get yourself and your family ready now because government is going to be certainly part of the solution but the steps that we take to get our families ready, to have our go kits ready, to have a plan to take care of ourselves for a few days when disaster strikes us. it s really important. we encourage folks to visit ready.gov. download the fema app. you get flash flood warnings and alerts. we saw how critical those were