delaying degree of disarray. whether it is delaying the project to artificially reduce delaying the project to artificially reduce the cost in the short term but add reduce the cost in the short term but add half a billion in the long term but add half a billion in the long term or but add half a billion in the long term or changing their minds on platforms, term or changing their minds on platforms, the design work alone to id platforms, the design work alone to go from platforms, the design work alone to go from an platforms, the design work alone to go from an 11 platform station to tent was go from an 11 platform station to tent was putting £100 million worth of design tent was putting £100 million worth of design work in the bin, that we need of design work in the bin, that we need to of design work in the bin, that we need to learn from because i m not happy need to learn from because i m not happy at need to learn from because i m not happy at the way t