This race like me describes as a big deal nations 50 stories. And 50 very personal tips on bermans very best just. Minutes away every week on d w. From. This investigator is using Virtual Reality technology to digitally revisit the scene of a murder our. Law enforcement across europe are working with the latest to track down criminals and even prevent crimes before they happen. But. He was caught he was trapped. I mean he was shot in this. Investigation. And techniques are transforming Law Enforcement. This being a murder and rough break and florence fare from the Bavarian State Police have been called to secure evidence usually this work will be done by a Police Forensics tain breaker and spare work for another special unit. Ive. The crime scene has been recreated and actor is lying in the kitchen in the same position and location as the victim was found in the resigns of a struggle and of alcohol consumption. Breaka and she will begin gathering evidence
but they wont be using cameras
Bergamo. Solo un mese e mezzo fa la panetteria El pan d’na volta di via XX Settembre era stata presa di mira da un ladro. Gli agenti della Questura di Bergamo .
evidence at the scene but it didn t match any of the profiles in their database. in 1909 dutch police were only allowed to use d.n.a. to determine sex and compare the sample to their database but although there hadn t been a match many local residents felt they knew who the killer was right by the meadow where mariana was found stood a center for asylum seekers. a lot of people from that area pointed their fingers at that asylum seeker center so that was a factor in this case faced with mounting public tensions the prosecutor ordered the 1st ethnicity test to be run on a d.n.a. sample in a crime case. d.n.a. told us actually that it was much much more likely that the perp fredrick came from western europe as an origin then from the asylum seekers have. the unexpected
tests were carried out in september 2012 in an effort to find any male relations to the killer. that money is a in this kind of d.n.a. profile analysis all united is a sample from one male relative however far removed and that will give you the trail to track down your are known perpetrator. men living within a 5 kilometer radius of the meadow where mariana was found were asked for a d.n.a. sample around $8000.00 submitted their d.n.a. voluntarily but then something unexpected happened. i got a phone call was the 14th of november by the end of i they told me we have a match and that is something that you cannot describe. the killer was a local farmer who had voluntarily submitted his d.n.a. he had hoped the test wouldn t work. if he did not would have given his d.n.a.
d.n.a. result helped clear the asylum seekers suspect in this case but critics have expressed concerns it could lead to discrimination. takes a different view. you can prioritize based upon information through the d.n.a. that you are probably going to find them in the top 100 of those 10000. it wasn t until 2012 that marianas killer was finally identified and again it was d.n.a. testing that helped. cracked the case. basic research conducted by professor manfred kaiser had helped develop a new form of d.n.a. research known as genealogical testing case that is head of the department of forensic molecular biology at the university of russia. in many imus case why chromosome d.n.a.