it. our president talks tough, but in a children. he s gutless. in a lynch, he s gutless. martha: wow. is he right, kt? he s absolutely right. the best example of that, there was a g8 summit in dublin in spring, and both obama and putin wanted to use the gym at the same time. and, apparently, they couldn t share the gym. so obama got first dibs on the gym. you know what putin did to one up? he said to the photographers in the press corps, follow me. he went to an icy dublin lake, ripped off his shirt and proceeded to do the breaststroke so that the pictures were of the miss lahr, tough, he-man putin, and there were no pictures of obama in the gym shorts. martha: you go back to the moment that we all remember when you look back at the relationship between the united states and russia and the president leaning over to medvedev and saying, look, after my election i m going to have a little more flexibility on this missile defense thing, because we know and there s a picture we kno