Perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are colloquially known as “eternity chemicals” due to their persistence in the environment. PFAS do not occur naturally, but they can be .
In this eBook, Analytik Jena deals with the different steps in the process from ore to metal. The focus is on the ICP-OES and ICP-MS techniques. However, elemental analysis by means of AAS is also used. Get to know different approaches, methods and technologies, which meet the different requirements in the value chain of the mining and metals industry and can be individually tailored to your application.
High-purity acids and reagents are critical to controlling the analytical blank, the “Achilles heel” of trace analysis, and to improving ICP-OES and ICP-MS detection limits. Reagent purity, cleanliness of the materials used in sample preparation, the laboratory environment, and the skill of the analyst are all factors that contribute to contamination. In this application note, Milestone presents the duoPUR and subCLEAN systems for cleaning reagen