Total income surged 44 per cent year-on-year to Rs 1,249 crore in the quarter under review, from Rs 865.63 crore in the second quarter ended September 2022, led by growth in broking income with cash and derivative segment gaining momentum along with growth in investment banking segment.
Ajay Piramal, Chairman of Piramal Group, who actually 'coaxed' Vaghul to pen down some of the incidents during his banking career, said he is considered as the ‘Bhishma Pitamah’ of banking in India
According to several business journals and magazines, Marissa Mayer, Yahoo CEO was one the top female executive in the world. In 2014, she was taking home close to USD 42.1 million. Some of the other .
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], March 21 (ANI/PNN): Fino Payments Bank ("Fino Bank", "The Bank") is actively pursuing to capitalize on the opportunities arising out of increasing digitalization of India's economy. The profitable payments bank and the only listed entity in its space, is focusing on digital-led growth as part of its Fino2.0 journey. For Fino Bank fully digital means engaging with a new set of digitally savvy and aspirational customers, the young millennials. Towards this objective, the Bank strengthened its direct-to-customer (D2C) channel, mobile banking app "FinoPay", with improved user interface and new service offerings. The most significant initiative being the digital savings account service launched in December 2022, which is getting encouraging response. Terming creation of a digital ecosystem as critical for the bank's growth Tejas Maniar, Chief Digital Officer, Fino Payments Bank said, "Our D2C strategy aims to acquire t