If Dibakar Banerjee introduced Miss Trans Queen India 2019 Bonita Rajpurohit among the fresh faces in his just-released LSD 2 , Dhruv Solanki s debut independent feature It s All in Your Head , streaming on Gudsho, zooms in on a day in the life of Bonita and her cousins who are Americanised young people in small-town Vadodara.
Actor and Austinite Glen Powell has earned a spot in the Texas Film Hall of Fame, an honor that will be celebrated later this year, the Austin Film Society (AFS) announced Wednesday.
Wedding the deeply personal to the political, “God Save Texas” turns three filmmakers loose on their hometowns, using their memories and current realities to explore the justice system, race and environmentalism through the complex prism of the very conservative Lone Star State. With Lawrence Wright’s book as connective tissue, it’s a pointed look at what director Richard Linklater calls “hometowns and the American consciousness.”