they probably knew that. why did they keep the situation with this hedge fund, that s what the s.e.c. case is all about. thank you very much, russell and scott. we re going to keep an eye on this hearing. we saw senator carl levin chairman of this subcommittee. we will bring you any of the testimony that will shed light of what s going on here. of course lloyd blankfein when he starts his testimony. a blogger s home has been raided by police on the investigation into the top secret iphone apple lost in of all places a bar. a computer crime task force seized property from his home. chen posted a video and review of this secret iphone on his blog. apple made no comment and chen is no longer talking. everything published is accurate on our website. i m sorry i have no comment. i refer you to my lawyer. gizmodo bought the ibs phone
or press charges or take any legal action. the information is already out there. people already saw what it looks like. some are saying out there in the online world, bloggers writing about it saying you profited from gaining access to the stolen property. if you mean that we profited from people looking at our website, sure, we did profit. i don t believe that it was any kind of wrongdoing, because it wasn t stolen. it was just a lost phone. actually we did already give back the phone to apple. you did? they claimed the phone was theirs, they claimed it was their property and we gave it back yesterday. okay. so now tell us about the phone. is it the real deal, the new ibs phone, not a plant, not a fake, this is it? totally. it s definitely not a plant. just from opening it up, you can see their components marked apple inside. i guess the biggest confirmation is apple saying it s their property and they want it back.