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IBPS RRB PO Mains Result 2021 declared. Direct link to download
IBPS RRB PO Mains Result 2021: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has declared the result of IBPS Officer Scale I Mains exam today (February 8). Candidates can download thier IBPS RRB PO Mains result for Officer Scale I recruitment online at  ibps.in.
The Officer Scale I Mains examination was conducted on January 30, 2021, across various centers in the country.Â
IBPS RRB PO Mains Result 2021:Â How to checkÂ
1. Visit the official website  ibps.in
2. Click on the link âClick on IBPS RRB PO Result 2020â
3. Login using the registration number and password