If, six months ago, you had told Brazilian native Caio Benicio that he would be entering the Irish political fray, he would have been bemused. Life then was all about working 10- to 12-hour shifts, seven days a week, as a self-employed food delivery rider. There was no time to contemplate the political landscape of his adopted home country, never mind stand as a Fianna Fáil candidate in June’s local elections.
Kevin O’Loughlin, CEO of Nostra Technologies Ltd, has registered a new address at Companies House. And what an address it is…his new gaff is Paddock Wood on Killiney Hill Road, where the neighbours include Bono and Enya.
Beware of something called the “tradwife”. A new report from the Anti-Bullying Centre at Dublin City University defines this sinister creature as a “female anti-feminist influencer”. Typical of the breed, it informs us, is someone called Hannah Pearl Davis who doesn’t believe women should have the vote and that the history of slavery in the United States has been “embellished”.
Ah, the thud of campaign leaflets hitting the welcome mat. It’s election season again, that time when our aspiring politicians grace us with their presence. And by presence, I mean a glossy flyer that promises the moon on a stick.