Andrew Neil s GB News is now going it alone (Getty Images)
This week Will GB News’ traditional TV bet pay off? BT puts sport on the sideline
Media Moment of the Week: Blair’s hair mare
With allegations of sleaze, rows over John Lewis and Kevin Keegan-esque outbursts, it’s fair to say that all the attention has been on the Prime Minister this week. That’s a pretty good thing for Labour, but less good if you’re a former PM determined to stay relevant like, say, Tony Blair.
Tony Blair’s questionable lid sparked a flurry of memes (Image: ITV News)
This week Is the Super League the biggest PR disaster of all time? Is Netflix’s pandemic party finally over?
Media Moment of the Week: Radio loses a legend
For many Brits, radio has been a much-needed source of entertainment (and company) during the pandemic. But long before anyone had heard the term ‘social distancing’ there’s always been one DJ in the ears of a generation of music fans.
Annie Mac’s ebullient broadcasting has been the soundtrack for a generation of music fans
After 17 years at BBC Radio 1, Annie Mac this week announced she will hang up the headphones for the final time in July. It’s the end of an era for British radio, but Mac is promising podcasts and more fiction following the publication of her debut novel Mother Mother next month, so watch this space…
April 23, 2021
Turns out, some advertisers will walk their talk on behaving ethically to a point.
Sure, we’ve been here before, but CEOs have short memories and people are wising up to that apathy; something had to give. Now, companies are being asked, pressured, forced, encouraged, and regulated to take a stand or at least not stand back on everything from data privacy to voting rights, diversity to sustainability.
Nowhere is this sort of corporate do-goodery more on show currently than in advertising.
Responsible spending seems to be more important than ever if the agency pitches are anything to go by. In February, for example, GroupM joined the Conscious Advertising Network (CAN) a voluntary coalition of over 70 organizations set up to highlight the ethics that underpin advertising. Of course, there’s a chance this could all be window dressing given how often brand purpose tends to look like propaganda. For all the strongly-worded warnings from marketers, there
Broadcasters who have spent billions of dollars to screen Champions League soccer have condemned the plan by top European clubs to form a breakaway Super L