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Why GitOps isn’t ready for the mainstream (yet)
For many organisations with ambitions to run cloud-native, GitOps is a smart way to manage software deployments. But some issues still stand in the way of mainstream enterprise adoption. Credit: Dreamstime
Since being coined in 2017, GitOps has emerged as a natural evolution of modern software development practices like devops, infrastructure as code, and CI/CD principles, specifically for organisations that are building microservices deployed across distributed containers and orchestrated by Kubernetes, as is the fashion these days.
Since being coined in 2017, Gitops has emerged as a natural evolution of modern software development practices like devops, infrastructure as code, and CI/CD principles, specifically for organizations that are building microservices deployed across distributed containers and orchestrated by Kubernetes, as is the fashion these days.
However, there are still several significant cultural and technological hurdles for the industry to overcome to allow Gitops to truly hit mainstream adoption at the scale that agile and devops practices have so far.
What is Gitops?
Gitops extends devops primarily by treating infrastructure as code, so that both the application and its underlying infrastructure can be treated as code and stored in a version control system, most likely Git, providing a single source of truth for both dev and ops. Done right, this allows for all changes to be pushed through declarative code, with a set of automated steps that corrects any dev
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