democracy and walking slowly over to it with a bucket of water. and that is not what it is going to take to protect our democracy right now. if you look at what s going on, what is leading to this january 6th committee and the bannon defiance of a subpoena, it is straight out of a playbook that every scholar that has studied the downfall of democracies around the world have warned is the playbook. six things that every autocrat has done to dismantle democracies. they have politicized independent institutions like law enforcement, the civil service. they have spread disinformation. they have quashed dissent. they have corrupted elections. they have attacked vulnerable populations and sought to undermine checks and balances. donald trump has tried to do all of them. he is trying to do the undermining on checks and balances with steve bannon right here. unless our institution starts stepping up, we are going to see a successful coup in the future in the way that the last one failed. all
implications, care lamb, and ian baasen. carol, there seems to be sort of consensus among the maximalists that despite what article 2 powers are to pardon you can t exchange fem for favors as part of a conspiracy to cover up a crime. that we re agreed on pretty much? i think we are agreed on that, chris. the problem is we re in completely unchartered waters. the pardon authority has typically been used after somebody has been convicted of a crime when all the facts are known. and here we have the opposite. we have the pardon discussion getting mixed into investigative work going on while hints are being thrown around about, on the one side, people dangling