and others, portable children ground and abused just like anna, the problem the police faces the bee sting networks are incredibly extensive and often come if they shut down one line, and others pops up shut down one line, and others pops up in its place. irate shut down one line, and others pops up in its place- up in its place. we know what happened up in its place. we know what happened to up in its place. we know what happened to anna? up in its place. we know what happened to anna? anna i up in its place. we know what happened to anna? anna is l up in its place. we know what| happened to anna? anna is an incredible happened to anna? anna is an incredible young happened to anna? anna is an incredible young woman i happened to anna? anna is an incredible young woman and i happened to anna? anna is an i incredible young woman and we ve protected her identity because the gang that abuse direction still out there and so, the composite danger to her but she did manage to esca