back there. inaudible. mia, can i ask your question back there. inaudible. mia, can i ask your question one - back there. inaudible. mia, can i ask your question one more - i ask your question one more time? , , ., time? yes sir. there were no evacuation time? yes sir. there were no evacuation orders time? yes sir. there were no evacuation orders and - time? yes sir. there were no evacuation orders and under| evacuation orders and under investigation evacuation orders and under investigation began - evacuation orders and under investigation began into- evacuation orders and underi investigation began into why that happened investigation began into why that happened and - investigation began into why that happened and we - investigation began into why| that happened and we talked about that happened and we talked about the that happened and we talked about the wildfires that happened and we talked about the wildfires popping l that happened and we talked i about the wildf