was corruption in new jersey that singed him. and already having been fired by donald trump, so as transition director, so he s through the first two hoops that every trump aide has. but my serious advice, i have been there. i worked for a president who was under federal investigation and lost the congress. he doesn t need a war-time counselor, he needs a legislature. he needs to draw the cameras and the congress attention away from investigation and on to legislation. this is a president who says he s for prescription drug reform, infrastructure. he could be he needs to hire pete king, mike rogers. that s different than what i m hearing. i mhering he needs to be more political than policy. completely wrong. bill clinton survived in part because we never took our eyes off doing things for the american people. we didn t talk about his affairs every day. we talked about legislation every day and the things we were doing to help people. that s how he got to 71% even while they were