the identity and other details about this killer, except to mention one unusual fact. wn what s unusual about this? this was a 28 year old woman pro apparentlyfi, that s an uncommon profile for these kinds of shooters. s just. be i mean, it is the the massmale. shooters tend to be male almosto in all instances. the more than 90% of these shootings are carried out by men. well, it turns out the killer s identity didn t quite match the preferred criteria of the media, whicherrr is usually a white male.e an they like it when they re angry at immigrants and others ore someone who is mentallyst unstable, perhaps, but stillil had access to an ar-15 style weapon. but this shooter wasn t just any old former female student at the school. she referrede referr to herselfn shot him and was t reportedly in the midst of a so-called transition process. now, whaw whatt treatments this individual was receiving or had received is still unknown. but all day long, authorities o went out ou
into him and skate away and issr his lawyer seems to begoop auditioning to be a goup sales representative. may i ask how tall you are? i m just under five ten.i hae okay, i am so jealous. to okay, i am so jealous. i have to wear four inch heels just to make it to five five . . you re small but mighty. actually , you re not thatsm small. i want to talk with yol. u aboutcounte the counterclaim and he has deterred you from enjoyingrcas the rest of what was a very expensive vacation. o well, i lost half a day of skiing and i m assumingunder you re under oath here. here, that you re a good tipf yes. okay, fantastic. i wouldn t expect anything less. laura , this lawyer, a br christian van orman, is either a brilliant cross examiner or gwynneth needs to get a restraining order against her. r. is something else. i ve never seen courtroom drama like this. my question to you is my eight week anniversary of my surgery is wednesday.