seemed to be sort of a white line. and at that point things happened really quickly. this woman looked at my dad, pointed at my little sister, michaela and said take your kids and run. and from that point on, we knew that this was no longer, you know, an average day. i just remember hearing people screaming. and it sounded like they were running towards us. and i initially thought, oh, wow, these people are really happy because that s where the boats were landing. but within three seconds i knew it wasn t that. because you could hear the screams. it was completely different than joy. i suddenly clicked into survival mode p mode. i was thinking 9/11. i grand grabbed amanda and
you remember the lines of the soviet? we should anticipate that iran will test the next president. they won t to see how far they can bend the rolls. that won t work if i am in the white house. now this powerful photos showing refugees taking their first steps on an i grand. it comes after they have psychen with john mccain stood in front of a photo of a dead syrian boy. we warn you that the photo is graphic and maybe disturbing to some viewers. this did not happen by accident. it happened because of leading from behind.
i was supposed to go grocery shopping today. i grand grabbed a few things and paid cash for it. reporter: s.n.a.p. is administered by the u.s. department of agriculture. many of those speculated that the crash had something to do with the partial government shutdown. but the state officials say that wasn t the case. xerox says a computer crash knocked the system offline. in a statement to cnn, they said beneficiaries who required immediate access to their benefits could work with their local merchants. the only problem, the emergency voucher was not available at all vendors. the system is down. we re sorry for the inconvenience and we do not know when it s going to come back up. reporter: the issue was resolved by late saturday night. but still today many wonder why the food stamp contractor would test its systems on the weekend when many hit the grocery store