country, steps one foot, they take their name, they bring them to court, they release them, they go into the country. you never see them again. it s the craziest thing i ve ever seen. so i said today, i don t want judges. i want i.c.e. and border patrol agents. and we want to tell people, i m sorry. you re coming into the country illegally. we don t want you in the country. so walter, no judges? is that constitutional? well, first of all, people who set foot into this country have some rights. there s some complicated process and case law that allows for expedited removal that gives them the absolute bare minimum, unfortunately. let s step back and remember what makes this country great is due process. is free speech. is all the constitutional guarantees. and dehumanizing people who come here by calling them name like
the president has been fuming about immigration courts and saying there are too many judges although jeff sessions is trying to add more immigration judges to handle the extra load. here is the president from last night. we have thousands of judges already. so if a person comes into our country and steps one foot, they take their name, they bring them to court. they release them. they come in the country. you never see them again. it is the craziest thing. i said today, i said today i don t want judges. i want i.c.e. and border patrol agents. i want that. that s all. we want to tell people i m sorry you are coming into the country illegally. we don t want you in the country. the president says he sees the uproar over immigration as helpful to republicans. chief white house correspondent jim acosta traveling with the president. reporter: christine and dave, the president defended the practice of separating children at the border with the parents
face. try not to hurt him. if you do, i ll defend you in court. don t worry about it. whacky jackie is campaigning with pocahontas, you believe this? he is a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren t captured. get that son of a [ bleep ] off the field right now. out. he s fired. he s fired. with all of the vitriol from the president, many democrats are concerned the emotional response could fuel him. social media confrontations include several heckling of donald trump officials and it has opened a rift in anti-trump outrage is helping or hurting ahead of the midterms. the president rallying up the crowd on immigration in south carolina.
more judges. just listen to what he says. we have thousands of judges already. so if a person comes into our country, steps one foot, they take their name, bring them to court, release them, they go into the country, you never see them again. it s the craziest thing i ve ever seen. i said today, i don t want judges. i want i.c.e. and border patrol agents. there are not thousands of judges. there are hundreds of judges. there are proposals to double that number, add numbers to that. do you think the president s solution is a feasible one or do you think judges would help? i think judges would absolutely help. this is something we need to decrease the amount of time it takes to process folks, right, and to administer consequences that s a potential violation of the law. if we could get that within 20 days, that prevents having to hold people, preveptsz having to separate kids from their families and the cuonsequences. is the president helping this
we have thousands of judges already. if a person comes into our country, steps one foot, they take their name, they bring them to court, they release them, they go into the country. you never see them again. it s the craziest thing i ve ever seen. so i said today, i don t want judges. i want i.c.e. and border patrol agents. and we want to tell people, i m sorry. you re coming into the country illegally. we don t want you in the country. so walter, no judges? is that constitutional? well, first of all, people who set foot into this country have some rights. there s some complicated process and case law that allows for expedited removal that gives them the absolute bare minimum, unfortunately. let s step back and remember what makes this country great is due process. is free speech.