the administration but at this point he s shown leadership. thank you both so much. still to come, i m join live by congressman max rose of the homeland security committee as house democrats prepare to block the president s national emergency declaration. kasie dc back after this. feel the clarity of non-drowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear.
administration. what s the strategy behind that? it s about an administration s policy, it s obviously led by the president but it s also about a cabinet and members of the cabinet. it s also how it plays out in terms of the enforcement of those priorities, all of which are bad. do you think there s a risk of talking too much or going after the president too much with democratic voters? do you think they re looking at what democrats stand for, is that part of it? i feel very strongly, kasie, this has to be an election about america s future. obviously in the context of where we are now but for me my motivation and my goal is to talk about where we can be unburdened about where we ve been and unburdened by where we are right now. there s so much at stake. obviously, it is about change. it is about having new leadership in our country so we can get where we need to go. but truly, we re looking at a world that is in flux.
dropped this week with initial bipartisan support arguing that this thing needs to be adequately funded for basically the duration of the century. the reason being is because these folks were there for us at a moment of great national crisis, incredible terror, they put their lives on the line and they were there in the immediate months and years afterwards. you hear politicians on both sides of the aisle say we ll never forget. they come to new york city or they go around the country and they say thank you for your service. this is their opportunity to actually back that up with real action. i expect that there will be significant support in the house and senate for this bill because it s the right thing to do. we have to have their backs. have you heard from leadership about whether they plan on moving this forward? and if they haven t said that, what s their argument for not doing it? i don t think leadership will be opposed to this, reason being is because, like i just said, it
remains a nuclear threat? i know he said it is no longer a nuclear let the from north korea. he said it has substantially taken down the risk to the american people. it s the process of the secretary of state to keep the american secure and we re aiming to achieve that. okay. that s a direct quote. joining me is gregory meeks. good to have you. good to be here. let s pick up where the secretary of state left off. do you think it s smart of the president to be holding a second summit with kim jong-un considering what they haven t done previously? no, i don t. i think he is elevating a guy who is a brutal dictator without getting anything in exchange.
assessment of what s going on there? there are critics of the administration who say they re using it as a political tool to oust the regime but the reality is maduro is starving his own people. what should u.s. policy be here? as you say, he is starving his own people. more than 3 million have been forced to leave the country. he should be ousted. we ought not to launch an invasion but this blocking of humanitarian aid is outrageous. it s a violation of basics of international law. he has the responsibility as the head of the country to look after the welfare of his own people. now it s up to the neighbors p. the united states hopefully also, we will persuade russia and china to stop subsidizing this man. once that happens, then i think the military will ultimately move away from him. he s really up to winning the hearts and minds of the venezuelan military. i am hoping the blockage of aid will get some of them to rethink their support for him. i m not a constant critic of the adm