joe walsh, former tea party congressman entered the presidential race this weekend. he s said a lot of controversial things. he has talked about race in ways that are inflammatory and people say are flat out racist. he has apologized for a lot of that. do you support his candidacy this morning? well, i don t support joe s candidacy specifically. but i support it in general. i think we ve got to get three or four, possibly five different candidates in there. i think this is similar to 1968 where lyndon johnson was breaking apart the fabric of the country. and so we have a president now that literally wants to rip up the social unity inside the united states. and so joe is the first. we need a eugene mccarthy figure in there. one that has great moral conscious. and we need a few other players.
he s denying it but this is what was recorded in the national security council memorandum that supported it. means it might be factually based. here s what axios is reporting. during one hurricane briefing at the white house, trump said i got it. why don t we nuke them. according to the source who was there. they start forming off the coast of africa. as they move across the atlantic, you drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. why can t we do that? the source paraphrased the remarks. it worked in sharknado. we wants to give it an opportunity, give it a chance. it s not science based. this all ties. into what we said in the earlier segme segment. we have the leader of the free world that does not believe in science. stop calling him that. stop calling him that. call him something else. it s not funny. this is the president of the united states saying something about that. and he brought in africa. as we were talking during the