the polls are all saying we re going to win florida. don t believe it. pretend we re slightly behind. we cannot take anything, anybody, anywhere for granted. are you ready to work hard and win this election? that s trump and hillary clinton motivating voters to get to the polls on election day. when it comes to the margin of victory, you look at the state at the electoral map could come as a reality check to the supporters of both candidates. trump needs more than he s got and clinton s lead is more fragile than it looks. the map still shows hillary clinton with more than 270 electoral votes but her advantage has faded over the last week. new hampshire and north carolina which leaned toward clinton have moved into the toss-up category. while the states of georgia and iowa are both leaning toward trump. according to real clear politics, if the results max the real clear maxx on all the swing
where trump has .2 percentage lead. so it s has the state for now. one poll that shows clinton ahead by a couple points. it could shift back to her column. why do you except people voting for johnson or jillstein? we don t. the map is based on the four way numbers. the fact trump is looking to wisconsin and michigan, these are states that don t normally in a close election vote republican as an alternative route to get around pennsylvania where maybe he s given up. i can t tell. i don t think they ve given up. they ll be here and pumping adds on tv. but it is a tough stretch for them but not by any means out of the question. if our people think it is a lock, that s what i mean by turnout. if our people vote, we will win
i would rather play that. anybody here think it is up in the air? i absolutely do. i think pennsylvania and north carolina are the key to this. i agree. with you. so if we watch well, i don t knowy keep saying twhefl won t know at 7:00. apparently north carolina didn t come in until almost 11:00. we ll to have wait a while. which is good. we have a slew of new polls. here they are. donald trump leads by 5 points. he seems to be building a strong argument in ohio. he is ahead by 5 in arizona. he is up by 6 in nevada. and he has a 9-point lead in georgia which is now safely republican again. all according to the emerson college poll. hillary clinton is up by 2 points in florida. she is up 3 points in colorado. 3 in north carolina. she is ahead by 4 points in pennsylvania. that s down according to two
when he was 29. exactly. there s a real generational difference between blunt who is 66, kand here is 35. voters see him as an agent of change. are gun owners going to be willing to vote for a guy who says he is not anti-gun? but is for back ground checks? i ve always wondered, the nra people, second amendment people, they don t like the back ground thing. they think that is gun control, don t they? yes. but here s what he s doing. the democratic candidate for governor, chris cost here is also in a tight race, has been endorsed by the nra. so kander and coster are traveling in a bus around the state snow some ways, he is trying neutralize that by being backed by the nra and to make it more gray.