gradually came to understand they were being asked to do things in exchange for the meeting and the security assistance hold being lifted. he was saying ukraine was aware of the shakedown, no? yes, i think that s explicitly what he s saying. and what we re seeing is this administration or people who are either in political appointments or career officials are unable to keep the many lies straight that trump is asking them to continue perpetrating, which is presumably why trump, when he was when he submitted his answers to mueller, for example, he just said, i don t know over and over again or i don t recall, i don t recall, i don t recall. i don t remember, which helped him of course not have to remember what the lies were. but you re seeing members of this administration having to tie themselves into knots and we re still finding that they re contradicting each other right and left. sondland, as has been brought up, may yet have to amend things that he said. volker may yet have to
against roger stone because that s a demonstration of what happens when you lie under oath. and just coming back to this phone call that david holmes witnessed, don, i mean this is really kind of an example of scandal fatigue because there s so many scandals here, we lose sight of the smaller ones. this is one of the smaller and more significant ones. remember, in 2016, president trump, then-candidate trump, spent the whole year saying lock her up. why did he want to lock up hillary clinton? because she allegedly transmitted confidential or secret material on a non-confidential or secure medium via email. but what is donald trump doing here having these conversations on a mobile phone that the whole world can listen in on, and from what we know, this is not an unusual occurrence. trump does this all the time. by the way, the hillary clinton thing was proven from investigators, that that did not occur. right, exactly. she was ultimately exonerated. catherine, i want to bring you
i don t know. and give these people credit who have gone to testify. you know, they put their necks on the line. they deserve a lot of credit. okay. listen, why do you say because, you know, here s what i think. i think that people watch a whole lot of television during the holidays. thanksgiving s coming up, christmas coming up. people are home, right? they have some time off. i told you this. television is on in the background. you got the news. you got cnn. you may have fox, whatever, msnbc, whatever you want to listen to. ir you got a little football maybe. and football. right? so you got that. but then you have people you start paying attention to things that you don t when you re in your regular routine, when you re on your grind as they say.
they re kind of paying attention a little bit of this now. most americans as we talked are taking care of their kids and putting food on the table and doing their jobs. i happen to believe and i said this to you last week the attack on yovanovich, when the president was tweeting and everything, i think that s something that people say, that doesn t sound good. presidents shouldn t be doing that. and there s been a steady we talked about this from the very first day. there s a steady reporting on all of this, and now a guy who overhears a phone conversation, everybody can relate to that, right, don? we re on the phone. i mean, my wife says i can hear you talking all the time. can you be quiet? when you can hear the person on the other end. people can get that, don. they understand it. and when these things become more understandable and what were they talking about honey then i think people start to
just released from ukraine. and meet with the never trumpers who i don t know and never heard of and work out a better presidential attack. intimidation tactic. attack against people he considers partisan. lieutenant vindman is the national security counsel top ukraine expert who also heard the july 25th call testifying publicly tomorrow as well. the president accused hem of being a never trumper as well after his closed door testimony. two advisers say they have their fingers crossed that trump doesn t tweet about vindman tomorrow because he is the recipient of a purple heart and attacks on him have fallen flat. last week hours before ambassador taylor. at the top here. and state department official george kent at the bottom here.