you talked about future generations. we are always in this debate talking about what it means for our kids. i don t have kids, you have kids. what do you say to your children about this? i think they are living and growing up in a world where it is much more talked about than when we were growing up. so that has benefits and it has negatives as well because we are seeing a rise in climate anxiety. young people now are growing up where their futures are basically being threatened the whole time. it s very unnerving, it s very anxiety making. growing up, you ve got to worry about a job, you ve got to worry about family life, housing, all these things, and you are putting in the climate, the very thing that we live, breathe and walk around, on top of all of that? no wonder we are having a lot of mental health concerns and challenges coming along. now, i also believe that the younger generation are going to lead this and are going to dominate this. we can t not. and wherever we go and spea
is being challenged. the whole point is critical race theory, which means a critical idea open for discussion. not critical race facts. greg: kat, theoretically with this categorization of terror, this show this show is an act of domestic terrorism. absolutely true. greg: we were just crushing them in the race. [applause] i was gonna say, i don t have kids, but if i did i would be yelling all the time. i mean, i m already kind of on the edge as it is and the good news is, i get to be on a talk show where i say how i feel. and they don t. and also, it s mind-blowing to think about how truly, truly insane it is that these parents want to have a say in their
there s a good thread this morning noting we are not seeing a lot of kids in massachusetts even though they re unvaccinated and that s because the adults around them are vaccinated. i think we cannot emphasize enough the best way to protect kids is for adults to get the vaccine. let me ask you before you go on the book, the family firm, that the data is the way to go. although a lot of these decisions, especially in covid, i don t have kids but i imagine families make decisions based emotions. you say data is the way to go. tell us what is in the book. yes, so the book is all about how to have structured decision processes, and i think it is particularly useful in this setting in which we don t always have all of the detailed data that we want. so the book has a bunch of data but it also has a way to approach difficult decisions so you can be confident you made the decision the right way as a family, even though we have to understand with this kind of uncertainty it is hard to be
people have become anti-for mergers when they are older. greg: thinking about what it would be like to have you as a babysitter. how do you get rid of this stuff? if you are parents, you show up at these meetings and you go viral. does it stop how did somebody fight this? i don t have kids. i don t have to worry about this stuff. candace: i will tell you that s the number one question that i get on the road. what do i do? i look at them and i get kind of angry. i listen to what you re asking me, you re asking me what you should do with your child when a predator is at bay. the concept that you re asking what you should do when somebody is trying to harm your child, that s what s going on in these classrooms, whether it s pornography more critical race theory.
to tell them why you feel guilty about having white skin. new york city, why you feel guilty this skin is white and i can t copper amended, incomprehensible to me because when i was growing up we never talked about color because we didn t see it but they re trying to systematically program children to see color because they want them to eventually become activists and hate one another. they see the opportunity and if you divide young you can turn them into activists and angry people that become anti-for marchers when they are older. greg: i think about what it s like to have you as a babysitter. so, how do you get rid of this stuff? if you re just parents like you go when you show up at the meetings and you go viral but does that how does somebody fight this stuff? i don t have kids. that s number one question .i listen to what you re asking