most common allergy-inducing metals. doctors say use a protective case on electronic devices. a new study finds eating comfort foods after experiencing a stressful situation can actually pack on about 11 pounds a year. researchers at ohio state found that women eating a high fat meal the day after an argument with a loved one or stressed at work made that person metabolize food slowly, and that s not good when it comes to your waistline. sometimes you just have to stress eat. you do. you just have to gorge. what s your favorite thing? oh, gosh. i can go to town on some graham crackers, cookies. basically cookies. i m a cookie monster. sweet tooth. when you re traveling with the white house, you guys are constantly under stress. constantly munching all the time. how about you? do you have a fast food weakness? i don t eat fast food. i m want a big fan of fast food. but i do like subway. but that s kind of healthier, right? look at you. healthy fast food. is there such