least now. but i think it s a great opportunity right nowo to reassess where we are as a state and reassess whereand re the latino caucus is inatino california. caucus is in california. yeah, i mean, latinos aren t supposed to be republicans, tiot and that s the assumption, default assumption they want to maintain. ifo mainta you hear dissenting e it challenges their preconceived notions, which have been failing groups. they re purporting to want to help dreux. i m actually not surprisedno the on the congressional black caucus side. i feel like fo congnal blacr years this has been a story black republican wins, blackk republ republican denied. will this ever change ? well, i hope it does.increasings maybe with the increasing numbers of black republicans, you know of blicans it s not, i donald s. he s now got burgess owens. he s got incoming freshman john james of michiganoh and wesley hunn jamet of texas. so you got four of them. and you ve got to start really five republicans on the