? he clearly doesn tar care that there are any consequences or as i mentioned, he s just trying to intimidate and bully me and others into silence me ask the question. so so mitt romney famously dodged the war in vietnam. he s a coward. i you serve in the us military so you talk to people who also c serve and who mightal be called to fight this war against russia of the people a who are currently serving the u.s. military, how many believe that raising questionsis aboutea whether a war with russia iss a good idea constitutes treason to a lot of your fellow officers? think what you said is treasonous. not a single person that i know that i ve had the privilege of serving with and even thoseow who i don t know personallyak who takee this oath to support and defend our constitution, to be loyal to our country wearingw the uniform, knowing that we can be called toe give our livs in service to our country at any time. i m confident in saying a that they would not agree with his accusations.