In this paper, multi-antenna transceiver for zero-padded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system is designed at mmWave by integrating full-duplex unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) into the terrestrial cellular networks. Assuming that there exist no direct communication links between the ground base station (GBS) and the mobile users due to unexpected blockages from high storied buildings in urban area, the UAV applies decode-and-forward cooperative strategy on the received OFDM signals transmitted from GBS and re-transmits to the ground mobile users and passive eavesdropper. In this proposed system, intertwining logistic map (ILM)-cosine transform aided encryption algorithm combined with artificial noise enhancing physical layer security (PLS) is introduced. Also walsh-hadamard transform technique integrated with QR-decomposition based zero forcing (ZF) block diagonalization (QR-ZF-BD) precoding for multi-user interference reduction and non-iterative clipping a