were today intends to sign it because everybody knows the government shutdown is not going to do anything political. in hifact, one thing we should d on here, if the president would have taken $1.6 billion and put the onus on nancy pelosi to compromise with him on february 8th, he probably could have gotten more h money for the wal. this was completely bungled and unnecessary. all right. drucker. we will talk to you again, stick around for us. president trump is being accused of hypocrisy calling for democr democratic congresswoman omar. the president discussed her remarks after first talking about immigration. he then made this transition. one other thing i might want to say is anti-semitism has no
i grant you that. the denunciation, the unaccep unacceptable behavior they all claim in judge moore. that hypocrisy calling for an investigation, that s a good thing. this is a photograph of what he did to a woman who seems to be asleep. i just don t know why the american people i can tell you are going to be asking why isn t he being expelled? just like menendez with the allegation of under age prostitutes in new jersey. these are serious allegations. i think these senators have to be held to the same standard, not a different one. sandra: let s move on to roy moore. he will be speaking as well. if he loses special election, then what happens? there are a lot of republicans who not only see him as tarnishing the party and what