handle such high speeds. nowadays fighter jet pilots can travel look speeds of up to three thousand kilometers per hour they train hard to handle the stress on their body and wear protective gear. the problem is not the high speed or such about the exoneration and deceleration phases takeoff and landing but a major stress on the body. the hyperloop doesn t ascend and descend it again speed as an even pace and maintains that speed. for passengers it would probably feel much like a commercial airplane but it would certainly take some getting used to particularly because of the vacuum tube. i mean because there is always some element of danger but that s all already the case with airplanes they aren t in a vacuum they also deal with low air pressure. we just have to try. and then we ll
such high speeds. nowadays fighter jet pilots. can travel at speeds of up to three thousand kilometers per hour they train hard to handle the stress on their body and wear protective gear. the problem is not the high speed or such about the exhilaration and deceleration phases takeoff and landing but a major stress on the body. the hyperloop doesn t ascend and descend it again speed at an even pace and maintains that speed. for passengers it would probably feel much like a commercial airplane but it would certainly take some getting used to particularly because of the vacuum tube. i mean there was there is always some element of danger but that s all already the case with airplanes they aren t in a vacuum they also deal with low air pressure that we just have to try it s and