correspondent trace gallagher has more on this developing story. hey, trace. hi, tucker the whistleblower s account and democratic lawmakers both argue that during his call with ukraine president zelensky president trump laid out a quid pro quo, you know, this for that. meaning the president was dangling $391 million in foreign aid to ukraine in exchange for an investigation into joe and hunter biden. democrats also argue that even if the president didn t explicitly make the demand the innuendo was certainly there. that s where the so-called mob boss secret code comes in. but if a quid pro quo is in place, it stands to reason that both parties would know about it. except the new york times is now reporting that a ukrainian official says kiev was not made aware that the u.s. had suspended security funds until a month after the trump zelensky phone call. even the whistleblower acknowledges not knowing, quote, how or when they learned of it. they, being the zelensky administration. se
$50,000 a month no so job nothing to see here. move along. hunter biden receiving $50,000 a month from a ukrainian energy company, do you think that that is evidence of corrupt behavio behavior? no. people sit on boards and they get monetary payments and what the evidence actually shows is that the ukrainians looked into this, terminated the investigation. found nothing there. tucker: um-huh, yeah. that s not corrupt at all. but asking about it is an impeachable offense. is that really the story they can sell the public for the next year? john daniel davidson is political editor at the federalist, which, if you don t read, you ought to and he joins us tonight. john, simple question. is that distilled down to its essence a message that they can ride to victory in impeachment or in the election? absolutely not. this is a half-baked story that the american people are not going to buy, especially
exactly. what do you need a background check, by the way? it s completely irrelevant to the story. he raised more than $1.7 million. and, yeah, i think we have to start doing that now. as a matter of fact, tucker, i think the educational system starting at the high school level and even junior high should start and i m completely 100 percent serious about this in their curriculum a course that says, you know what? social media behavior and consequences because, guess what employers are doing now? they used to hire companies to do background checks. they don t that anymore. they check your social media feeds, your twitter, you are instagram and facebook. one inappropriate tweet or facebook post or picture and that can alter your career path. and i don t think enough kids, 16 years old in a place of carson king when he put up those tweets or even this writer, aaron calvin, i don t think anybody understands at that age that anything you put up in to the public record is going to have co
not from this congress. look, the democrats decided that trump needed to be impeached the day after the election in 2016. and ever since then, they have been grasping at straws. first it was, oh, he fired comey, and then it was this russia collusion hoax. and now, we get this story about the ukrainian phone call. the american people aren t going to buy it. they have every reason to be suspicious of this democratic congress. tucker: yeah. i mean, it seems like in real life, you can t do impeachment except as a bipartisan matter. obamacare, maybe, is their model, can you squeak it through on one vote. but impeachment is bigger than any piece of legislation. it s undoing an election. do they really think they can do this party line in the house? yeah. absolutely. the last two impeachments we had, bill clinton and richard nixon, were both bipartisan affairs. in fact, the vote to just authorize impeachment inquiries got support from the opposing party. nancy pelosi won t even call for t
$50,000 a month no so job nothing to see here. move along. hunter biden receiving $50,000 a month from a ukrainian energy company, do you think that that is evidence of corrupt behavior? no. people sit on boards and they get monetary payments and what the evidence actually shows is that the ukrainians looked into this, terminated the investigation. found nothing there. tucker: uh-huh, yeah. that s not corrupt at all. but asking about it is an impeachable offense. is that really the story they can sell the public for the next year? john daniel davidson is political editor at the federalist, which, if you don t read, you ought to, and he joins us tonight. john, simple question. is that, distilled down to its essence, a message that they can ride to victory in impeachment or in the election? absolutely not. this is a half-baked story that the american people are not going to buy, especially