Heavy rainstorms began to occur in the Beijing area on the night of 31 July, and exceptionally heavy rains began in the southwest. As of 29:31 on the 20st, a total of 52384,<> people threatened by heavy rain had been evacuated from Beijing. The largest rainfall in the city was in the alpine rose garden in Mentougou District, reaching 687.2 mm. At present, the risk of geological disasters such as collapse and landslides in the mountainous areas of Beijing is high.
Ngư Island is located more than three nautical miles from the coast of Nghệ An province. The meteorological station was built at the top of the mountain.
Félix de Azara no pudo menos que quedar maravillado con el río Paraná, lo mismo que Moisés Bertoni, quien eligió sus costas para un puerto. El caudal y los saltos cautivan a propios y extraños. Su agreste paisaje en pleno estiaje desnuda toda la belleza de su sinuosa geografía donde la naturaleza es la protagonista.