The Hyderabad Police said that TRS MLA Danam Nagender has cleared all pending challans. During a special drive focusing on traffic violations, Banjara Hills Police on Saturday spotted a four-wheeler belonging to MLA Danam Nagender that had pending traffic challans. There were a total of 66 pending challans on five vehicles of Danam Nagender Reddy amounting to Rs. 37,365.
Hyderabad Traffic Police is gearing up to crackdown on cars with tinted glass and iregular number plates. A special drive will be conducted strating from July 18 by the Hyderabad Traffic Police. Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic) A.V.Ranganathan said violations of tinted glass, disfigured number plates and temporary registration numbers were leading to criminal
HYDERABAD: The Telangana Transport department on Wednesday issued orders fixing the maximum speed limits in Hyderabad city and the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation area. As per GO MS NO 27, orders were issued to fix the speed limits based on the type of roads in the GHMC and the types of vehicles.