The land totalling 3.3.6 acres, was sold to Happi Heights Neopolis, owned by Rajapushpa Properties, in a deal valued around Rs 362.70 crore, mentioned a document reviewed by ET. In another bid, Navartis Investment, Rajapushpa had bought a 6.5-acre land for Rs 75.50 crore per acre.
The popular Tank Bund event "Sunday-Funday" is scheduled to continue this weekend with a number of entertaining activities on Sunday evening. The event main attraction will be the Hussain Sagar Lake's largest musical floating fountain in India. Along Tank Bund Road, there will be a lot of food trucks in addition to music, shopping, and a wide range of other activities.
Hyderabad: Following a lacklustre performance in the latest land sale, the Hyderabad Metropolitan Authority (HMDA) is planning smaller plot auctions to entice the middle class.