The Supreme Court on Friday (September 15) asked the Registrar Generals of all High Courts and the Registrars of the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), the National Consumer Disputes.
The Delhi High Court has observed that courts should be flexible in embracing modern technology and allowing virtual appearance in criminal trials, provided they do not compromise the integrity or.
Manipur High Court has adopted a Hybrid Functioning approach amid violent disturbances in the area, which allows litigants to attend hearings virtually from any part of the state. The facilities are available at E-sewa Kendra s and District Collectors offices to provide necessary infrastructure and support for video conferencing and e-filing of cases. A dedicated helpline has been created to assist in e-filing and video conferencing, providing technical support if required.
The Delhi High Court has directed all district courts in the national capital to permit any of the parties or their lawyers to appear through hybrid or video-conferencing mode during court.