This is another thoughtful long read from our old pal Anony Odinn; it originally appeared at Cyberguerrilla. Get yourself a full cup of some stimulating beverage and get ready for a mind-expanding experience. “Where there is preparation there is no fear.” ~ Hwang Kee (1914 – 2002, Soo Bahk Do, Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan)…
When discussing Korean martial arts, people generally bring up Taekwondo and Hapkido. Leaving out the effective and underrated martial art of Tang Soo Do.
The test took place in 1970 and the late Grand Master Hwang Kee, one of the five original Founders to open solely Korean Martial Arts Kwans, was there to judge his performance. Here's how someone bailed Norris out
The test took place in 1970 and the late Grand Master Hwang Kee, one of the five original Founders to open solely Korean Martial Arts Kwans, was there to judge his performance. Here's how someone bailed Norris out