A group of comics and cartoon artists raised concerns Thursday over the government’s recent corrective order aimed at handling the “Black Rubber Shoes” incident, saying that it lacks any power to hold the publisher responsible. The Artist Lee Yoo-young Incident Task Force said Thursday through a statement they “welcome the corrective order as it confirms the ‘Black Rubber Shoes’ c.
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on Monday ordered a local publishing firm to pay a valid share of the profits of the cartoon series “Black Rubber Shoes" to the original cartoon artists. According to the ministry's corrective order, publisher Hyungseul should pay a fair amount of the profits the publisher earned to "Black Rubber Shoes" cartoonist Lee Yoo-young and his brother and .
The K-tourism Roadshow event showcasing Korea's traditional and contemporary culture will be hosted in New York from Wednesday to Saturday, the Korea Tourism Organization announced Monday. The event has been strategically organized in New York with the aim to generate interest among global travelers to visit the peninsula, while also commemorating the 70th anniversary of the South Korea-US alliance, the KTO said.
The mesmerizing sounds of traditional Korean musical instruments mingled with various visual arts, special effects and modern instruments will entertain audiences at the 2023 Yeo Woo Rock festival running through July 22 at the National Theater of Korea in central Seoul. As part of the festivities, the theater is holding an outdoor event called Yeo Woo Ya on July 15, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., at the theater's Cult.
The Literature Translation Institute of Korea announced Thursday it is hosting a Korean literary event called "Hangul Literature Beyond Borders" on Thursday and Friday in Los Angeles. The event aims to facilitate the creation of Korean diaspora literature and strengthen the network of global Korean literary communities, according to the institute, an affiliate of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism..