"Drama Special 2021 - Hee-soo", the first work of "UHD KBS Drama Special 2021-TV Cinema", scheduled to air on the 22nd, tells the story of a parent who lost his six-year-old daughter in a car accident and restores her dead daughter through VR. In particular, "Hee-soo" is also the first of the four movie projects attempted by KBS.
While Jeon So-min (Hwang Joo-eun), Park Sung-hoon (Go Tae-hoon), and Kim Yun-seul (Go Hee-soo) are expected to portray the story of a family collapsing through a sad breakup and strange reunion, they pointed out special viewing points to help viewers immerse themselves in the home theaters, Drama Special 2021 - Hee-soo, Hee-soo, Jeon So-min, Kim Yun-seul, Park Sung-hoon
On October 22, KBS’s upcoming drama special “Hee Soo” held an online press conference with producing director (PD) Choi Sang Yeol and cast members Jun So Min and Park Sung Hoon. “Hee Soo” is the first installment in the 2021 KBS Drama Special, an annual collection of short-form dramas that are one or two episodes
Jeon So Min and Park Sung Hoon’s new KBS Drama Special this 2021, ‘Hee Soo,’ won Best Picture in the 2021 Korea UHD Awards. The award-winning Choi Sang Yeol-directed film is scheduled to premiere on October 22. #JeonSoMin #ParkSungHoon #HeeSoo #KoreaUHDAwards2021 #BestPicture
2021 KBS Drama Special has shared two unsettling new teasers for Jun So Min and Park Sung Hoon’s upcoming drama! KBS Drama Special is an annual collection of short-form dramas that consist of one or two episodes each, and this year’s lineup of drama specials will be kicking off next week. Jun So Min and