“This simple example of embracing other cultures gives me hope for the future.” Baha’ií community spokesperson Huti Watson said Fransen’s speech gave an insight into what unity in diversity really looked like. “It looks like making space for difference, for people to hold multiple identities, to be unique even as we share a common identity as members of a single human family.” This year’s theme “kia kotahi te hoe – paddle as one” reflected that everyone had a role to play in eradicating racism and building unity. “We may look different based on what part of the world our ancestors came from, but we should never imagine ourselves to be superior because of our inherited physical appearance, language or culture,” Watson said.
Press Release – New Zealand Police
Be the change, don’t sit back and wait for the Government to fix race relations in Aotearoa, was the message from Lucia-Tui Bernards, a Year 12 student from Tawa College who today won this year’s Race Unity Speech Awards.
In an inspiring and heartfelt speech, Lucia-Tui called for all secondary schools to have a race relations strategy, as well as a race relations youth council to ensure the voices of ethnic minorities are heard.
Race relations youth ambassadors would suggest policies to decision-makers and government agencies from a youth perspective.
Chief judge NZ Police Deputy Commissioner Wally Haumaha says Lucia-Tui’s speech was fantastic.
Be the change, don't sit back and wait for the Government to fix race relations in Aotearoa, was the message from Lucia-Tui Bernards, a Year 12 student.