happier with than the approach. i think democrats want people to believe that. in hispanic community most hispanics aren t for open borders. what most americans want and most hispanics want is for us to secure borders and stop illegal immigration and remain a nation that celebrates legal immigrants. americans by choice is what ronald reagan called legal immigrants. are you going to be hitting the catch yain trail hard because of the issue? we re hitting the campaign trail hard every single day. and i ll tell what you i think is a major issue. it s this election in november is about continuing down the road of the obama democrats
place which is what governor romney is talking about he talks about a wall, he s talking about strategic fencing. and secure the border first then you can have a conversation with congress about immigration reform z not until. and the conversation has been with b.jobs, jobs have been important in this campaign. immigration issue is such a hut hoth issue now falling a little bit off the radar screens in terms of discussion. and i m curious whether you think it will get better promise. americans are worried about jobs. this president overseeing this bad economy for three and a half years, americans are concerned about am i going to have a job after? can i find a job? how am i going to be able to take care of my family? what governor romney and
employer is at fau. gou after them just like if they weren t paying their taxes. and there is mitt romney in 2007. rick perry joins use good to be with you. thank you. and saying immigration is important in 2008. how about this time around? absolutely this is an important part of the republican debate we ve had. and with the american people is that the failure to secure the border is the big issue. this has has been there and made issue worse by some programs he s put into place. and there is moving immigration officers off of the border. we know how to secure the border. and you put boots on the ground ask have fencing in
congressman ryan are talking about is a vision for getting americans back to work. so this is the report years ago, the immigration issue may have been a hotter political issue this is a concern for those of us with border states but who is going to get america back to work and being able to take care of our family autos explain to me. there is fierce primaries and you say horrible things back and forth and run ads back and forth. and there is coming to now, everybody is great friends. how does that snap. i don t think it s any different than person relationships. probably say something to a dear friend or an acquaintance or god for bid my wife i have