Ludke and yosvany padillaconde, both in their 30s, are charged with attempting to help isis. According to the fbi, the pair made videos pledging allegiance to isis leader abu bakr albaghdadi. The two thought they were communicating with isis sympathizers. But instead, they were chatting with an undercover agent. Authorities caught up to the duo here, in san angelo, texas. They drove from milwaukee and were on their way to mexico. They were hoping to get papers to travel to syria or iraq. Ludke told agents he and because they couldnt pay their rent. According to court documents, ludke is a registered sex offender. Padilla is also a convicted felon, having served five years in prison for armed robbery. If convicted, both these men face up to 20 years in prison and a 250,000 fine. Kathy you can follow this developing story from our free app or our website, wisn. Com. As soon as we learn new information, well post it to both. Wisconsin state law actually allows a person to change their min
At Monday s McCracken County Fiscal Court meeting, county leaders expressed support for an $89 million project that could benefit the entire west Kentucky region: Murray State University s proposed school of
McCracken County leaders are expressing support for an 89-million dollar project that could benefit the entire region. It was a topic of discussion during Monday night s fiscal court meeting.