Gordon Parker generously shared his knowledge on Husky Bites, a free, interactive Zoom webinar hosted by Dean Janet Callahan. Here’s the link to watch a . . .
One hundred years of snow statues, winter games and the spirited Huskies who make Michigan Technological University’s Winter Carnival spectacular is a lot of ground to cover. University history keepers are up to the task.
May 3, 2021
Garrett Neese/Daily Mining Gazette
Michigan Technological University faculty, including Andrew Storer, dean of the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, center, were on hand to greet students.
Mining Gazette
HOUGHTON – After two years of commencement ceremonies were wiped out by the COVID-19 pandemic, Michigan Technological University found a way to honor its graduates in person.
Friday afternoon, graduates from 2020 and 2021 donned their cap and gown and participated in a walk through campus.
” I think it means everything right now, given the events of the pandemic we ve had in the past year,” said Joe Cooper, interim vice president for student affairs and dean of students at Tech. “It is incredibly exciting. It s incredibly positive. The atmosphere on campus is so lively. And I think people are just really glad to have this opportunity to come together in person and celebrate.”
Garrett Neese/Daily Mining Gazette
Michigan Technological University faculty, including Andrew Storer, dean of the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, center, were on hand to greet students.
HOUGHTON After two years of commencement ceremonies were wiped out by the COVID-19 pandemic, Michigan Technological University found a way to honor its graduates in person.
Friday afternoon, graduates from 2020 and 2021 donned their cap and gown and participated in a walk through campus.
“I think it means everything right now, given the events of the pandemic we’ve had in the past year,” said Joe Cooper, interim vice president for student affairs and dean of students at Tech. “…It is incredibly exciting. It’s incredibly positive. The atmosphere on campus is so lively. And I think people are just really glad to have this opportunity to come together in person and celebrate.”