twitter a number of times. and i will say, he is not behaving like a typical lawyer and husband behaviclient is not a typical person who has filed a lawsuit. so typically you want some money. you have a set of demands and want some money and that s it. you can understand what the person is doing under those terms. at this point, it s not really the case that stormy daniels needs anymore opportunity to tell her story. she doesn t really seem like she s scared to tell her story. she s telling her story to all sorts of people all over the place all the time. so what is this about at this point? here you have a litigation, a litigation that they have a pretty good shot of winning, and they don t really seem to want anything. avenatti said on twitter, he s not willing to settle unless the truth comes out. and he s putting trump in a very difficult spot. if they do want something, they ve got a lot of leverage because they re embarrassing trump, they re a thorn in his side. they got the pres