companies shifting production from china to other countries in the region surely that s going to hurt beijing at some stage thought one off the lawn bright star that we re seeing is the faster they expected imports growth and the signal that the message the mind might be holding up for now about to take note that the headwinds china has a population one billion over a billion yes but its population is also aging and due to the one child policy that it has come up with that has ended in twenty sixteen some people might think that it might not be right for them to have children anymore so these are some of the headwinds that china might be facing an aging population going forward so what is the next move in this trade for. well there are many ways for china to grow you know it has just before the trade what it has already looked at a robotics going it s robotics sectors and it s also making solar panels and sustainable energy and in fact a rising wages china not too attractive for manufa
enforce so what does the u.s. do. according to the past crypt, three or four months from now we ll start with a new sanctions resolution. it will take three or four months to get passed. you know, the one that was passed on saturday was the seventh sanction. these are incremental. and the north koreans have learned to adjust, because every time that we increase the pressure a little bit with these sanctions, the north korea ngs find a way around them. then the china s don t enforce them. and so then we go back and get more sanctions. so we don t have enough time to do this. so we re all bark, no bite? up to now. president trump at the end of june signalled some cost that elwilling to impose on china, including going off the chinese banks for money laundering. i think what happened at the g 20 in hamburg when trump met chicago jinping, i think he said to him, look, if you don t really come to the party, we re going to amp up the pressure by going after bigger chinese banks and
companies and it s going to hurt beijing, beijing could be effective in this immediately if they wanted to but to be honest it s not in their interest, it s in their interest to have north korea sort of anage tenant to the united states arthel: why? the united states has to lead the effort but yes as nikki haley stated, we need allies, japan, south korea, by the way with japan in mind, they are a great ally in the region so it maybe time to remilitarizing them and allowing them to have some form of nuclear weapons in a region where we can put chinese on defense. right now we are playing defense. trump is probably the right president to actually do that because we are going to take some hits but this is what he was elected for. the people are looking for decisive action and that s something we are not going to see ouof the senate, we ar not going to see it out of congress and we haven t seen it for yein the administration and right now the person people put the president in office t