important midterms and viledters personal attacks from the left h are reaching a fever pitch. they can t run on theirn on e record , you know, with absolutely nothing positive to run on democrats, they are now attempting to dehumanize republicans all across the country and senatorial and gubernatorial races. they do so from a glass house. and tonight we will expose two a democratic candidates for senate who dnateo not deservete. the vote in their respective states . we begin iwe b in the great stal georgia tonight.e th while the media mob, they are obsessing over anonymouser ano sources in the new yornyk timess regurgitated by other media and fixated on family drama surrounding republican herschel walker. they have been more than happy to ignore very serious allegations against the democrat senator raphael warnock. according to the washington free beacon, warnock was ordered by a superior court judge to attend mediation after he was accused of neglecting his own children, f
society and not bring race inton it at all. d not br that s right, sean. and of course, naturals right, disasters like hurricanen ar ian are indiscriminate. and so the aid delivery muste also be indiscriminate and frankly, non-controversial and nonpartizan. sot be fra you have a vicepresin president who injected both politicsh politi and a conversan about equity that the press equt secretary, also a woman of color, was forced to go and clean up those comments and say yesterday, full stop, that people will get the aid from hurricane and based on need, look, equality means that we have equality of opportunity, equity means that we haveequali equality of outcomes. and i think that the sesame street word of the week for kamala harris has gone badly for this administration. just think of the last big thing th thing the democrats passeded. the inflation reduction act. it doesn t reducion e inflatior but every single democrat init the senate supported it. kamala harris was the tie breaking v