accomplished and 18 months had great legislative victories, done health care, first time in 40 years and reached wall street versus main street and has bailed out main street versus wall street which was i don t know how bailed out main street feels. he has a tough narrative, unless the job numbers change. martha: what will he do. there is only so much a president can do about job numbers, how much worse would it have been that is a tough argument. a tough argument. martha: you see the numbers, they need to feel better in their situation, and any thoughts on the alaska race, the republican primary. sarah palin, if the you know, if her candidate, miller wins, i think, that it is a surprising everybody expected murkowski would win and sarah palin went out on a limb and supported the tea party candidate against someone she doesn t like and seemed like personal grudge match, but, it certainly, that would be a big victory for the right side of the republican party.
and, you know one thing viewers need bear in mind, is 90% of the victims in mexico s drug wars are themselves, members of mexico s various drug syndicates and one of the reasons the violence exploded the way it has, in recent years, is that government pressure has forced these various gangs to go to war with each other, so that is part of what you are seeing and, of course, it also has terrible spill overeffects on the civilian population or noncriminal population of mexico. overwhelming majority of mexicans but it is still generally a case of a war being waged between the government and the drug cartels or between the cartels and, the various cartels against one another. martha: and president calderon does not expect to it get better. in fact he expects to it get worse. that is probably true but is also a function of the mexican government for the first time in its history, picking itself up and going to war with these gangs. i grew up in mexico, and i
that, unfortunately, is at risk of deteriorating, into a source of division? i don t have any quick answers or silver bullet, all i m doing is ask that the dialogue go on as civilly and charitiably as possible. martha: trying to inspire dialogue and acted as a go-between with the mosque developers and the governor. gregg: not a lot of people feel the same way as mayor bloomberg, and other mosque supporters, look at the latest pew research poll, a majority of americans, 51%, object to the plan. 34% say it should be allowed, 15% say, just don t know. former president jimmy carter now on the ground in communist north korea, he s there trying to secure the release of an american, sentenced to 8 long years of hard labor for trespassing. kelly wright is live in washington, following this. how are u.s. officials describing the former
couple of nights ago as they went out and did some of their rounds in southern california, and they are spread out over a very large area this, team has been built over the course of the last year and have come up, numbers wise and have a very difficult task and some cases, they are sitting on bleaches, using night goggle vision and getting intelligence as well to try and stop them from coming ashore and bringing drugs and people as well. martha: we are looking at some of the night video shot, and how tough is it, it looks stuff to spot the little boats in the middle of the night. reporter: it is, and think about this for a second, as one of them told us, you know how tough it is to have a search and rescue, trying to somebody who was to be found in the daylight and try and imagine finding a boat at night who does not want to be found, and you are talking about a vast area as they come ashore here and come into not just the beaches, they come into rocky shore lines and the marinas,
martha: precision parachuting, not so much in the lone star state, don t you hate it when this happens, the army s golden knight, look, got caught up there, hype sure he s done it perfectly a million times and dropped in on the texas rangers game and wound up hanging from the flagpole and the army of one unable to unhook himself and we walked away, though he did and there was a famous parachuter, during the normandy invasion, and he got stuck on a church, and, he is known as a hero, and that should make him feel better, he s in good company. gregg: the next story will add to the outrage overrun away pension costs and turns out the man l.a. cops called the grim sleeper serial killer, the former garbage collector, lonnie franklin, jr. is collecting a big old fat pension, estimated