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On July 18 I visited Essentially Lavender north of Teeswater, as Thyra and other Huron Harp school members were playing there. I saw a Milbert’s tortoiseshell at the pond and, as usual, the frogs leaped into the water so quickly that I could not identify them. Later on during the garden tour there were about 10 Milbert’s tortoiseshells flying around. One landed on my trousers and then one landed on Thyra’s hand.
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Try refreshing your browser. TRAIL TALK 180: Of mosquitoes and golden rod Back to video
The mosquitoes have been very bad in our garden and in the surrounding area, but usually have not been a problem when hiking on the area trails. At Lobbs we met some hikers who said that part of the trail had a lot of mosquitoes and flies, but when we hiked there we did not have any problems. I think their dogs might have stirred up the insects in the vegetation at the edge of the trail.