A baby raccoon taken on a bit of a joy ride by an alleged drunk driver in the Huntsville, Ont., area is safe and sound at the Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary.
You know those music videos you love on You Tube and the mediums you love to laugh at well proposed digital copyright laws in Europe and other countries kind of want to make those a little less common and they have their roots in a 20 year old copyright law here in the u.s. Called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act So it s a big gnarly here a ball of the law Cory Doctorow is a writer and activist with the Electronic Frontier Foundation we reached him in his hotel room in Berlin he and the f.s.f. Have been talking about and litigating over the unintended consequences of the d.m.c.a. For almost 20 years now the law was written at a time when it was newly possible to rip C.D. s and D.V.D. s and put them online illegally downloading music was getting more popular Napster came out in 1999 remember that and this big copyright law the d.m.c.a. Was designed to protect companies and artists from having their work stolen and disseminated all over the internet but almost from the beginning cri